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Daily Archives: February 9th, 2023

  1. CEE Receives NSF Grant to Support Independent Mobility in People with Different Physical Abilities

    CEE Professors Carol Menassa and Vineet Kamat are the lead PIs on a project that is looking at long-term ways to provide new solutions for people who use wheelchairs for mobility in indoor and outdoor built environments, with a goal of improving their independence and reducing health care costs.

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  2. Video: Creating Equity in Midwestern Flood Response and Recovery

    Flooding is the leading cause of property damage and deaths in the U.S. It’s bigger than earthquakes and forest fires put together. Branko Kerkez, an Arthur F. Thurnau Associate Professor of civil and environmental engineering, and his students at the Digital Water Lab partnered with researchers at the University of Michigan Center for Social Solutions to measure, better understand and prevent flooding and its aftermath in some of the most vulnerable communities.

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